I must admit, COVID-19 has both challenged and supported what I had learned through the years. It’s an aha-moment to learn that the COVID symptoms can also be strongly identified as adrenal insufficiency. We are all fighting off some sort of saber-tooth tiger, so it makes sense that Dr. Ilana Nurpi, in Italy, and so many others are noticing exhaustion of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), known for its “flight and flight” mode. Indeed, there’s a limit to the reserves available to maintain that mode, preventing the body from going into the “rest and digest” mode of the parasympathetic nervous system to rebuild.. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. cellular biologist in the early phase of epigenetic research and author, speaks to this in his book, The Biology of Belief.
His basic premise is that a genome doesn’t specifically cause disease, but it’s the environment in which it is found. The environment he speaks of is in the areas of our natural environment, in the realms of mind, body, and spirit. On the contrary, allopathic medicine, since 1913, when it came to the forefront, was developed and has continued to support a “pill for an ill”, as the originators coined it.
However, it’s widely recognized that every pharmaceutical has a negative payback. For example, drugs that inhibit the SNS are being associated with higher mortality in Covid patients. Those medications are as follows: antipsychotics, anticholinergic drugs, benzodiazepines, opioids, barbiturates, proton pump inhibitors, ACE inhibitors, and some blood pressure-lowering drugs.
Acetylcholinesterase is an enzyme that removes acetylcholine (ACh) from the synapse between neurons to facilitate the signaling response. When ACh is not removed for re-uptake by the neurons, the body makes more receptors for neurotransmitters, so the SNS can work. Ordinarily, this can help to adjust to new electromagnetic influences, but if a person is taking inhibitory medications mentioned above, the drugs will become toxic, since the new receptors greatly magnify the effects. Microwaves and 5G affect the structure of this enzyme. (NAVAL MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE.)
Most U.S. citizens are deficient in Vitamins A, C, E, and D, as well as zinc and selenium, all of which protect and support the function of the nervous system and our immune responses. Vitamins C and D, plus zinc, selenium, and hydroxychloroquine are particularly beneficial for Covid patients. Selenium has an important role in being synergistic with many other minerals and vitamins, as well. Hydroxychloroquine has a side effect on the nervous system that turns out to be beneficial to Covid patients by stimulating the SNS.
Vitamin C helps to convert dopamine into norepinephrine, which is the primary neurotransmitter of the SNS. A daily dose of 200-300 mg is recommended by Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, MD in her book Fortify Your Life. She cautions to take 200mg often, when you are feeling ill, rather than 2000mg all at once, because of Vitamin C’s harsh effect on the intestines. Further foods, their doses, and the impacted diseases can be found in William W. Li, MD’s book, Eat to Beat Disease- The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself.
It’s puzzling to some authorities that the sub-Saharan populations, in spite of low vaccination rates, have low infection rates and deaths from Covid-19. The reason they may be overlooking is that generally speaking, that population is gaining high levels of Vitamin D from sun exposure. Since the amount needed is based upon the amount of sun exposure, the color of skin, weight, and dietary intake, it’s wise to be tested, especially before exceeding the RDA if you have kidney or liver impairment. Otherwise, 2000 IU of Vitamin D3 daily for adults and 1,000 for kids and teens, is recommended according to Dr. Low Dog. You can increase the absorption level by 50% if you take it at suppertime. Vitamin D works optimally with adequate levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin K.
Zinc helps to protect the lungs, fight infections, create DNA, and recover from illness. Quercetin facilitates the movement of zinc into the cells. Loss of smell and taste is related to a zinc deficiency. Dr. Low Dog recommends 30-40 mg daily with water; taking it with coffee reduces the absorption by 50%. Natural food sources for selenium and zinc are red meat, shellfish, legumes, seeds, nuts, dairy, and whole grains, preferably organic to further reduce the intake of environmental toxins which are stressful to our symbiosis.
Finally, we all need to find balance in our lives, full of time for relaxed and easy breathing. We also could benefit from mindfully practicing self-compassion with gratitude for things large and small.
My next blog will be on alternative health practices including how allopathic medicine became dominant.
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