Vitamin D, the Sunshine Vitamin

In previous blogs, I mentioned that we all can gain Vitamin D from ultraviolet B rays from the Sun and from recommended daily dietary intakes.  The caveat before taking any form of Vitamin D supplements, a person needs to have a test completed for a baseline, because like any supplement, moderation and compatibility with actual needs will prevent untoward symptoms and effects. Reminder when taking Vitamin D3 supplements recommended amounts of Vitamin K2, calcium, and magnesium must also be met. Another consideration on supplements is the quality of the product will assure that you have the actual potential of receiving what is on the label. Supplements are by no means to be substituted for prescriptions without advice from your physician or another qualified healthcare provider.

That being said, Vitamin D is critical for good health, particularly when dealing with severe SARS-CoV-2.  Studies lately have discovered that a Vitamin D3 deficiency is directly related to the severity of COVID. An October 2021 study showed levels of 50ng/ml could cut the mortality rate to zero. Generally, people who had died also had 1-4 of the following comorbidities: obesity, diabetes, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), or heart failure. 

Our bodies appear to perform at their best with a fluctuating exposure of 50-60Hz of non-ionizing waves, whether from the Sun or artificially produced. Below 50 in some studies, found cell proliferation, as in cancer malignancy and DNA damage after sustained, persistent exposures. These extra-low frequencies (ELF)-electromagnetic fields (EMF) are produced artificially when energy is generated and transmitted, from Wi-fi routers, cell phones, transmission lines, microwaves, and some home appliances and light bulbs.  High energy ionizing radiation comes from ultraviolet light, X Rays, CT scans, and nuclear energy. The amount of exposure from those waves correlates with the amount of cell destruction. The bottomline for well-being appears to be moderation in exposure and reduced proximity measures, but specifics are under investigation. 

More on applying this knowledge toward well-being will follow.

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