Countless people are attempting to make their portion of the world a better place. You may be among them, without realizing your impact. Actually, we all possess a high impact potential through our interactions and actions.
At the 2022 MREA Fair, people of all ages were interacting on sustainable and healthy living. Sean Sherman, the Sioux chef, spoke about preserving his original people’s culture through food, with hopes to expand to other tribes across the nation and then the world. Grassroots organizers spoke on how they were able to introduce renewable energy into their school districts and community-wide efforts, by initiating a network system. All of the presenters spoke of their amazement at how a simple idea caught on with an ever-expanding group of people.
Pursuing a passion can truly pay off in unexpected ways. That was my experience this year, through my past decision to landscape with food sources for birds, pollinators, and me. In particular, I had a bumper crop of sour cherries from only 2 trees, which was able to supply 3 households with 10-20 lbs each, and the birds another 15 or so lbs. I made preserves, jams with pectin, a coffee cake, and froze a bunch for future projects. Native plant blooms, butterflies, lightning bugs, raspberries, and vegetables have also taken off.
To “think globally; act locally” can be as simp[le as that. Have you been working toward sustainability and healthy living? How’s it going? What have you learned from your “failures”? What has surprised you about being proactive?