Anyone Can Compost!

I would like to start off by explaining that the Pest Repellent series will continue after a short break.  I will bring you a couple of posts that share a bit more of what my contributions will entail.  So, to get right into it – I am taking a look at Composting Technologies.

Composting is a natural process that takes organic materials and converts them into rich soil that can be used for growing plants.  Composting can be done by using a composter or by using the old-fashioned method of piling up organic material in a compost heap.  When choosing the best compost bin for your lifestyle, there are some important factors to consider.

The first thing to think about when deciding on which composter to purchase is how much space you have available in your home or garden.  If you live in an apartment, then you might want to look at composters that are designed for small spaces such as the IKEA Kompost Bin or the Nature Mill Classic Composter.  If you live in a house with more space, then you might want to consider purchasing something like the VIVOSUN Outdoor Tumbling Composter

Countertop composters are a great way to compost in the kitchen. They are practical and easy to use, and they do not take up much space.  Countertop composters are an efficient way for urban dwellers to compost.  They can be used for all types of food waste, including meat, dairy, and bones.  Composting is a sustainable practice that reduces waste and promotes healthy soil.  It is important to note that it does not have to be done in a backyard or garden – countertop composters make it possible for urban dwellers to do it right in the kitchen!

Composting is a great way to reduce your waste, and it’s also a great way to make sure that your local landfill doesn’t get too full.  There are many different ways you can compost at home. You can buy a composter, you can use a compost tumbler, or you could even use an old garbage can.  There are so many options out there, great companies to work with, and technology that is making it feasible for anyone to compost.  Are there any ideas I missed or didn’t elaborate on?

Pest Repellents – Ultrasonic/Electronic Options

This entry in my series of Pest Repellents is focused on ultrasonic and electronic solutions.  Attempting to identify benchmarks and potential ranges to look at with these products, I found some oddities surrounding this option.  Further research on these electronic options started to confirm and validate my own suspicions.  Ultimately, I do not believe this to be a solution we should continue to foster.

There is a wide variety of ultrasonic and electronic products for pest control.  Oscillating sounds, omnidirectional, and a plethora of other fancy-sounding names.  I wanted to better understand how they work to better share with you what would be the most favorable solution.  That is when I found something to be a bit off.

The types of companies producing these products didn’t feel appropriate.  The ones claiming to be of a sustainable mindset didn’t have much of a presence.  I could be off and would love some conversation on this.  None of the companies I looked into producing and pushing these products showed a track record of being environmentally conscious.

Looking into this matter further, I found studies that backed my suspicion on the products themselves.  How did these things function, how do they compete with each other, and what would be the best one?  Similar studies have already shown they are little more than glittering generalities and misplaced claims.

Thank you for your understanding in my delay as I wanted to be sure I had this information was accurate before making sure a statement.  I am very open to discussion and welcome new information.  As it stands, my conclusion as these are not viable solutions for pest control in any fashion.

Pest Repellents – Part 1

Pest control has been around since the dawn of time.  The need for pest management is an issue that will never go away.  It’s estimated that over 100 million dollars are spent every year on pest control services in the United States alone.  This number is only going to increase as our population and urban sprawl grows.

With all the various methods of pest control, what are our best options?  I am hoping to find some key solutions that can help us all out.  This multi-part blog will explore sustainable pest control methods and how they can be used to solve our current environmental problems.

With part 1, I want to bring up the various options I will be exploring and reporting back on:

  1. Ultrasonic/Electronic Options – designed for rooms, outdoor spaces, and everything in between.  This option uses ultrasonic sound waves to safely repel pests
  2. Sprays & Salves – the most traditional of methods, though what are the newest formulas out there?  I want to find us the most up-to-date and earth-friendly options.
  3. Alternative Options – environmental changes, habit changes, and anything else I can dig up for us.  I will be looking for more technological options, determining the more modern options available.

There will be plenty of work put into these reviews, so bear with me as each part might take some time to come out.  The best bet is to stay tuned as this unique series progresses.  Feel free to share ideas or questions you may have, it would help shape these blogs to benefit you the audience!

An Introduction Blog: Searching for ethical and socially conscious technologies

Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to read this introduction blog. My name is Travis, and I will be this series’ primary writer and content provider. I will be presenting a new blog every two weeks. I do hope you enjoy and learn something along the way.
This blog series will be about ethical and socially conscious technologies. I will explore the innovations in home products, food production, renewable energies, home construction, and daily use products.
We are living in a world where we are all interconnected with one another. The problem is that we are not always aware of these connections and how they impact us daily.
The goal will be to raise awareness about how these technologies can help us live more ethically and environmentally conscious lives.
Over this series, we will explore ethical and environmentally friendly technologies that have been developed in recent years. I will discuss how they can help make your home and community safer, healthier, and more sustainable. All in the hope that we can find a few things that make your life easier while also making it a little bit better for everyone else.